Teaching with Google Slides - An Educational Course for Teachers

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Hi, there! Welcome to our DIY self-paced course that teaches you how to create digital resources using Google Slides! 🎉

I am so excited for you to join us on this journey that we know is ongoing, full of adventure and life-changing: the journey we call teaching.

I have been pouring my heart and soul into this little gem and I’m so happy to finally see it come true. You see, I’ve been in your shoes. I know first-hand what it feels like to be overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, and sometimes even depressed. Our job is NOT easy and if you are both a teacher and a parent, let me just take a moment to say congrats and I am SO proud of you for jumping aboard this journey with me! You're probably thinking "why is she proud of me? She probably has no idea who I am..." but you see, I do.

I know you! You're the person who has had to do it all, at one point or another. You're the person who has had to endure sleepless nights, rough mornings, and nonstop action all day. You're the person who is counted on and filled with so many responsibilities that you don't even know if you'll make it through each day. But guess what?

You're ALSO the one that makes amazing memories and experiences happen every.single.day! You're ALSO the one that gives it your everything to make virtual learning as enjoyable and simple as possible. You're ALSO a badass who is determined to not only survive, but thrive in this journey we call teaching.

So without further ado, let’s do the dang thing and get to know this program!

Teaching with Google Slides is a DIY self-paced educational course that teaches you how to confidently use Google Slides to create your own digital resources for teachers, students, and parents.

It is the ultimate guide to using the software in ways that will make learning fun, interactive and engaging.

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In this course, I will teach you some very useful strategies, provide you with valuable resources and will be your online cheerleader reassuring you that YOU GOT THIS! You can be as hands-on or laid back as you want and still tackle the challenges of distance learning with confidence.

Each module will contain:
✨ Reading
✨ Video
✨ Feedback

I hope you're as excited as I am to see all your hard work come to life and help you create resources like a PRO!

Teaching with Google Slides empowers you to create with confidence!

Don’t just survive teaching… THRIVE!
✨ Self-paced instruction
✨ Helpful + informative resources in each module
✨ Empowering you, one step at a time
FREE clipart, workbook + checklist
✨ Supportive + encouraging online community

This DIY online course will be launching on Friday, May 15th! Want to join the free webinar and be notified when the cart opens? Click here for more info. Can’t wait to see you there! 👏🏼

Questions about the Teaching with Google Slides course? Please feel free to comment below or email me at chanty@chantymacias.com. 💖


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