8 Fun Summer Beach Project Based Learning Activities Your K-2 Kiddos Will Have a Ball With

Have you ever done a Project Based Learning unit in Kindergarten? If you haven’t, you are missing out! I know what you’re thinking… starting a PBL unit in Kinder is crazy, a lot of work and they won’t understand half of it. Let me tell you, PBLs are SO much fun! The kiddos really enjoy being challenged + expressing their creativity. Plus, it’s little- to no-prep to introduce these fun activities to your students. 👍🏼

When starting PBLs in your class, you’ll want to consider a few things:

  • Duration of unit (how many days/weeks will it take?)

  • Materials (what and how many of each do I need?)

  • Complexity (is it challenging yet motivating for my students?)

  • Supplement your curriculum (does it or will it replace the curriculum?)

  • Components (what’s included and is it cross-curricular?)

Don’t let the stress of the back to school season overwhelm you. These activities can be done once all of your beginning of the year routines and procedures have been mastered. In this post, you'll find the tools, directions, and printables you need to get PBLs started in your class with little to no prep! 😉

Key components of a thorough and well-designed project based learning unit for Kindergarten include the following:

* ELA + Math Standards

* Dramatic Play Center Signs

* Art Activity

* Handwriting Activity

* Sensory Bin

* Writing Activity (differentiated writing prompts)

* Interactive Math Activity

* STEM Challenge

* Task Cards: ELA

* Task Cards: Math

* Book Suggestions and more

Want to make your Beach PBL activity a complete hit? 🎉 Here are some ideas for bulletin board headings when displaying the students’ work:

  • Surfing into PBLs!

  • Wave-tastic Projects!

  • Sandy Writing/Math!

  • Surfing Scholars!

  • Sunny-rific Work!

  • Splash-tastic Projects!

Like what you see? Don't miss our Beach Day PBL unit which includes all the above mentioned components and more with step-by-step directions on how to implement these fun activities. It also contains b/w options for all of the components, ELA + Math standards that are aligned to CCSS for Kindergarten, response sheets + answer keys.

I hope this post on Beach Day Project Based Learning helps you feel confident in starting PBLs in your classroom and creates a load of fun for you AND your students! If you've already purchased this product, please drop a comment below on how you used it in your classroom! 💖

Questions about this unit? Please feel free to comment below or email me at chanty@chantymacias.com.

If you like this set, be sure to check out the PBL BUNDLE, too! Stay tuned for more classroom activity ideas coming soon! 👏


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